Frequently Asked Questions


Process to get a Gate Responder

Contact and let them know the number of gate responders you need. Each landholding is given 3 at the start, and any additional are $20 per responder. They will be mailed to the mailing address we have on record.

Requesting Gate Code

Contact the Codes can be any 4-digit combination of your choosing. Contractors and Vendors will now be required to use the contractors gate, as all vendor codes have been removed from the main gate. Regular access by housekeepers, landscapers, and others should have their own access code.

Owners can request a code for guests/visitors for access through one or both gates. If you are listing your house for sale, please provide your realtor with a code for RATC access.

How to use the Callbox

If you have an access code

1.      On the callbox press # then enter in access code

If you don’t have an access code

  1. Have your guest/visitor/vendor find your name on the callbox.

  2. Press call or enter the 3 digit code next to LH’ers name.

  3. You should receive a call from the gate on your phone number we have on file.

  4. Press 9 to open the gate.


Brennan Whittaker: or